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Jubilee Pickers Festival

October 31, 2014 - November 1, 2014

 For festival or workshop information contact:

Jim Hays (251) 990-9114 (h) or (251)422-0871 (c) or jimhays@reagan.com


Thursday 10/30                      Friday 10/31                                        Saturday  11/1                  Sunday 11/2

    9am-jam                 workshop with Paul Andre                workshops with Paul Andre      9 am-hymn service

                                      11:00 a.m : 1:00 pm & 2:30pm                9:00 am & 10:30 am

                                       4 p.m: Paul Andre in concert                1:00 pm-OPEN STAGE

                                                                                                     5:00 pm-Paul Andre in concert

Paul Andre workshops are $10.00 each. Sign up & pay for 2 workshops you may attend all workshops without further charge.


 Music vendors are invited and welcome-no vending fee- All vending tables are indoors

Directions:  U.S.Hwy 98 South from I-10 thru Daphne

                                To Fairhope. (Do NOT get on “scenic” 98)

                                Continue on U.S. 98 to Plantation bl’vd (on East side

                             Of 98). Plantation Blvd dead ends at the  Administration building .

                             Turn left, past the bldg. and an immediate right into parking lot

                              Look for “ballroom” on the large building Where the  activities will be


Any problems?………(251) 422-0871



October 31, 2014
November 1, 2014


924 Planation Blvd
Fairhope , AL
+ Google Map

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